Welcome to the catalog of business ideas in the marine-maritime field!

Here you can access information on knowledge-based entrepreneurship projects that are being developed in the marine-maritime field of the Galicia - North Portugal Euroregion. You can also find opportunities for collaboration through offer and demand information and connect with entrepreneurs to establish new collaborations.

If you have a business idea that fills a need in the marine-maritime field, is based on technical-scientific knowledge and is developed in Galicia and / or North of Portugal, you can give it visibility through this catalog by registering here. You will be part of a cross-border entrepreneurship community related to the sea, a source of cooperation and future collaborations.

  • Gestión integrada de extracción de residuos costeros


    Este proyecto se dedicaría a la eliminación de residuos plásticos y recolección de algas en las costas gallegas. Esta acción de reciclaje redundaría en la limpieza de los ecosistemas marinos permitiendo una clara mejora de la industria pesquera y…

  • PESVITECA Pescadería/Vinoteca


    Consiste en la venta de productos del mar y de la vid, presencial y via online en sus diversas vertientes organolepticas y técnicas de cocinado y maridadoDirigido a familias, hombres y mujeres que deseen mantener una dieta variada, diversa y…