Welcome to the catalog of business ideas in the marine-maritime field!

Here you can access information on knowledge-based entrepreneurship projects that are being developed in the marine-maritime field of the Galicia - North Portugal Euroregion. You can also find opportunities for collaboration through offer and demand information and connect with entrepreneurs to establish new collaborations.

If you have a business idea that fills a need in the marine-maritime field, is based on technical-scientific knowledge and is developed in Galicia and / or North of Portugal, you can give it visibility through this catalog by registering here. You will be part of a cross-border entrepreneurship community related to the sea, a source of cooperation and future collaborations.

  • Lapas, patelos, estrelas de mar e ouxas

    Galicia Demandante y Ofertante

    Temos invasión de lapas, patelos, estrelas e ouxas, especies invasoras e depredadoras que acaban co noso recurso, pedimos axuda, éstas especies seguro serven para algo, alguen interesado/a contacte