Group of Environmental Biotechnology

Tipo: Organizaciones públicas de investigación (OPI)

Acrónimo: Biogroup

Nombre del coordinador: Gumersindo Feijoo Costa

Nombre de la institución a la que pertenece: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Dirección: Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa, s/n. 15782

Teléfono: 34881816773

E-mail: Enviar mail





The Group of Environmental Biotechnology (GI-1613) of the University of Santiago de Compostela started its activity in 1985, focusing mainly on two research lines:
- Management and treatment of industrial and urban effluents
- Application and production of lignolytic enzymes

Both lines have been developed in parallel giving rise to a multitude of projects and specific contracts. Twenty years later the key words are still: "Bio", "Environment" and "Engineering", although its research lines have evolved according to the achieved targets and the new trends in research. The Group of Environmental Biotechnology (GI-1613) is composed by 10 teachers, 9 post-doctoral researchers, 1 technological manager, 3 laboratory technicians, 1 administrative and 1 communication manager and around 30 PhD students, 3-5 students from foreign universities that carry out projects or stays of 3 to 6 months and 5-10 master's degree students.
Mission and View of the Group

The Mission is to generate scientific and technological knowledge useful for a sustainable development of society and to train entrepreneurial researchers, promoting synergies in a human and stimulating environment. The View is to be renown at an international level due to the quality of its research, training, innovation and technology transfer.
Scientific background

In the last years (2013-2018), its scientific background can be summarized in 316 publications, 276 of them were SCI publications (67% of which were published in Q1), 40 Doctoral Theses, and 290 presentations at international congresses. In this period, the group was awarded with 15 European projects and international networks, 24 National projects and 30 contracts with companies that providede an average budget of 1.5M€. The group has also coordinated 3 Wastewater Treatment Networks at European (COST Action Water_2020), National (RedNovedar) and Regional (Rede REGATA) level. Since 2015 the Biogroup belongs to CRETUS, Cross-Research in Environmental Technologies, (ED431E 2018/01) a strategic partnership formed by 8 research groups of the University of Santiago de Compostela in order to develop and recover resources, through processes that are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. Since 2006 it is recognised as a Competitive Reference Group.

Áreas de especialización: Evaluación del impacto de la explotación de los recursos

Palabras clave: huella de carbono, marca de garantía, tasa de retorno energético, sostenibilidad, ODS

Número investigadores: 51

Número doctores: 18

Identificador Scopus:

Repositorio científico de acceso abierto:


Water-Energy-Seafood nexus: eco-innovation strategies for sustainalbe production and consumption patterns in the Atlantic area

Acrónimo: NEPTUNUS

Programa de financiación: Interref

Entidad financiadora: European Commission

Año de inicio: 2019

Año de finalización: 2022

Investigador principal: Gumersindo Feijoo Costa

URL del proyecto:

Facing the treatment/recovery of saline wastewater to assure future water availability


Programa de financiación:

Entidad financiadora: Agencia Estatal de Investigación

Año de inicio: 2018

Año de finalización: 2020

Investigador principal: Anuska Mosquera

URL del proyecto:


Comparative life cycle assessment of real pilot reactors for microalgae cultivation in different seasons

Autores: Paula Pérez-Lópeza, Jeroen Vree, Gumersindo Feijoo, Rouke Bosma, Maria J.Barbosa, María Teresa Moreiraa, René H.Wijffels, Anton J.B.van Boxtel, Dorinde M.M.Kleinegris

Año de publicación: 2017

Journal: Applied Energy


Opportunities and challenges of implementing life cycle assessment in seafood certification: a case study for Spain

Autores: Vázquez-Rowe, I., Villanueva-Rey, A., Moreira, M.T., Feijoo, G

Año de publicación: 2016

Journal: International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment


Life cycle assessment of European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus) consumption. A case study for Galicia (NW Spain

Autores: Vázquez-Rowe, I., Villanueva-Rey, P., Hospido, A., Moreira, M.T., Feijoo, G.

Año de publicación: 2014

Journal: Science of the Total Environment





Descripción del servicio:
Implantación marca de garantía pescaenverde

Tipo de servicio: Otro

URL servicio: