Workshop "Challenges of Entrepreneurship in the marine-maritime field in the Euroregion Galicia-Norte de Portugal" (II)




UPTEC MAR will host on 12 December, a working seminar on the European project Sherpa do Mar, in partnership with other Portuguese and Galician institutions.

The working day will focus on the debate on the needs of the marine-maritime sector in the scope of entrepreneurship, based on the diagnostic results of the marine-maritime sector of the Euroregion Galicia-North of Portugal.

The diagnosis will offer a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the general context of entrepreneurship in the marine-maritime sector of Galicia and the North of Portugal, and will facilitate the identification of associated business opportunities, with a focus on the technological sector.


10h00 Opening session

10h10 Presentation of the Sherpa do Mar project

REDE Research Group, coordinators of the Sherpa do Mar project.

10:20 am Presentation of the Diagnosis of the marine-maritime sector of the Euroregion Galicia-North of Portugal

SPI Consultant.

10h40 Working dynamics

Based on the Diagnostic data presented regarding the marine-maritime sector and entrepreneurship initiatives, a debate will be held to analyze the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Portugal.

12h15 Consolidation dynamics

Based on the contributions collected during the debate, a dynamic of consolidation and prioritization of ideas will be promoted.

13h00 Closure of the seminar



Building UPTEC Mar, Avda da Liberdade, 4450-718, Leça da Palmeira.

Registration form
