Sherpa do Mar promotes entrepreneurs with technology-based projects focused on mussel production, bioactive compounds from invasive macroalgae, cosmetic products, port and traceability solutions, virtual reality, a scientific-marine tourism platform, a container location system or a beacon with ecological anchoring
The twelve entrepreneurial projects that entered the Sherpa Journeys Program face their final phase. Sherpa do Mar reinforces its support, starting today, with a practical and specialized training program, led by the Vigo Free Trade Zone Consortium, which will offer them greater guarantees of success in this last stretch before going on the market.
The Sherpa do Mar program promotes innovative products and services that provide high added value solutions to real needs in the marine-maritime field.
The State delegate in the Free Zone Consortium, David Regades, explained this morning that “for 14 months we have been accompanying these projects by assigning them a mentor who has supported them to consolidate their development and growth. They have received scientific-technical advice and an extensive network of contacts has been placed at their disposal to consolidate their business idea. During this period, we have detected training and advice needs, which we now cover with four workshops that start today”, he highlighted.
The 12 projects of the Sherpa Journeys Program, selected last year by a technical committee made up of representatives of the project's partner entities, are related to mussel production, extraction of invasive macroalgae for bioactive compounds, cosmetic products with microalgae extracts, as well as such as biotechnology applied to production, various port solutions, virtual reality for scientific research and outreach, traceability tools, a platform for marine-scientific tourism experiences, a container location system, a beacon with ecological anchoring and a new propellant for bow.
About Sherpa do Mar
Sherpa do Mar is a project integrated in the INTERREG VA Spain-Portugal Cross-Border Cooperation Program (POCTEP) 2014-2020, co-financed 75% by ERDF funds, whose purpose is to launch a cross-border network of entrepreneurship in the marine-maritime field and blue economy, through the Sherpa Journeys program, which favors job creation and increased business competitiveness through the promotion of technology-based companies.
The project is led by the University of Vigo, through the REDE research group, Campus do Mar and the R&D Office, and has the participation of the Vigo Free Zone Consortium, the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) and the universities of Santiago and A Coruña. On the part of Portugal it has the participation of the Asprela Technology Transfer Association (UPTEC), UPorto-Innovação of the University of Porto (UPIN), the Interdisciplinary Center for Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR) and the Fórum Oceano-Associação da Economia do Mar.