The registration period ends on September 30th
The objective is to promote innovative ideas for the marine-maritime field of Galicia and the North of Portugal
The winners will receive support to consolidate the development of their projects and access a wide network of potential investors
A total of 37 candidates from Galicia and the North of Portugal have so far applied to the Sherpa Journeys program, which aims to help entrepreneurship projects in the marine-maritime field and the blue economy. Given the interest aroused, the registration period has been extended until next Wednesday, September 30, in order to accommodate the largest number of candidates.
The Sherpa Journeys program is aimed at entrepreneurs over 18 years of age and with residence in Galicia or the North of Portugal. Projects can be at any stage of maturity, from its conception until the first 12 months after its start-up. The objective is that they give rise to a new innovative product or service with high added value, and that they provide solutions to real needs within the marine-maritime field.
After the closing of applications, 12 projects will be selected that will receive support and scientific-technical advice to consolidate their development and growth, in addition to accessing a wide network of contacts and potential investors. Apart from these 12 selected, all the projects that are presented will be integrated into a web catalog of business ideas where they will gain visibility to establish contacts with collaborators and investors.
Sherpa Journeys is part of the Sherpa do Mar project, the objective of which is to promote the emergence of new and innovative business activities in the marine-maritime sector of Galicia and the North of Portugal. Sherpa do Mar seeks to create in the Euroregion a network of companies with high added value through technological-scientific synergies and also to improve the competitiveness of existing companies by promoting innovation.
On the part of Galicia, the project is led by the University of Vigo, through the REDE group, Campus do Mar and the R&D Office, and the Vigo Free Trade Zone Consortium, the Galician Agency for Innovation ( GAIN) and the universities of Santiago and A Coruña. On behalf of Portugal, the Asprela Technology Transfer Association (UPTEC), the University of Porto, the Interdisciplinary Center for Marinha and Environmental Research (CIIMAR) and the Forum Oceano-Associacão da Economia do Mar participate.
Sherpa do Mar is a project integrated in the INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal Cross-Border Cooperation Program (POCTEP) 2014-2020, co-financed 75% by ERDF funds.